Hi Kone,

When you change email template in management console, it will only affect
the specific tenant you do the operation. If you change email templates by
login to super tenant, those changes will be only available in super tenant.

If you want to change email templates permanently for all tenants, you can
do this by editing email templates at
repository/conf/email/email-admin-config.xml. These changes will affect all
tenants that you create after changing the XML and restarting the server.
However, AFAIK tenant you created before changing the XML will still have
old templates.

Thank You!

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 9:44 PM, Koné Alioune Badara <
kon...@etna-alternance.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to modify the email templates in the Wso2 IS management console
> but it is not very been successful. I tried to change it and the save does
> work but when I receive the email it is still the old one. Even when I
> change the super tenant's one and create a new tenant, it sill take the old
> templates. So i'm asking how can I change the email templates?
> Regards.
> --
> Cordialement,
> Alioune B KONÉ.
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Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,
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The University of New South Wales (UNSW Canberra)
Australian Centre for Cyber Security
Australian Defence Force Academy
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