Hi All,

I have tried to generate an invoice for the monetized APIs as documented in

When I select the 'invoice' tab in the sample billing engine to generate
the invoices observed the following error from the billing engine deployed
in tomcat server.

*HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.webflow.execution.ActionExecutionException: Exception
thrown executing [AnnotatedAction@3fa06082 targetAction =
[EvaluateAction@274d6a91 expression = invoiceService.createInvoice(user),
resultExpression = viewScope.invoice], attributes = map[[empty]]] in state
'invoiceHome' of flow 'account' -- action execution attributes were

After verifying the 'billing' database observed that there are no records
in the "*invoice*" table.  However, as per the API statistics, there are 20
API calls for that particular API.

May I know how to solve this issue?

[1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Enabling+Monetization+of+APIs


*Sashika WijesingheSoftware Engineer - QA Team*
Mobile : +94 (0) 774537487
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