----- "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> The packages available at the time it was released. ;-) I.e. not
> preparing 
> the spin 3 days before a KDE update goes out, considering that testing
> the 
> spin apparently takes 9 days. But nobody at Fedora Unity ever talks to
> us 
> about KDE update schedules. Having to download another 100 MB worth of
> updates even when installing the day of the respin's release kinda
> defeats 
> the point of the respin. Yet this is happening at every single respin,
> they 
> somehow always magically manage to hit the window where a KDE update
> will go 
> out during their testing week.
> (My recommendation: just install from the F12 GA KDE Live CD and get
> the 
> updates, you'll have to update all of KDE anyway, even if you use
> those 
> installer-DVD-only respins, and installing from the KDE Live CD is 
> recommended.)

I would like to say that it is intentional that we miss KDE releases but it 
would be a lie. Using the "100 MB worth of updates" could apply to the GA/GOLD 
releases also, we have seen many updates on Day0 of Fedora releases. 
<sarcasm>Does this make the conspiracy even bigger? </sarcasm>

-- Bob

|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
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