On Tue, 2010-03-02 at 09:45 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:

> >> Yet, in practice, I still think a lot
> >> more stuff gets backported in our updates repository than in those
> >> backports repositories of other distros.
> > 
> > Probably true (though in the case of Mandriva, maybe less than you'd
> > expect; it's nothing like the wasteland that is Ubuntu backports).
> > What's your point?
> That your model would lead to fewer "backport" type updates and thus be 
> further away from what I and several others would like to see than what we 
> have now! 

Oh, I see. You're inferring a cause where there's no reason to. I didn't
realize that.

> You admitting this point also directly contradicts your claims 
> elsewhere that it wouldn't lead to fewer "backport" type updates being 
> provided.

I wasn't admitting any point. The fact that less stuff gets backported
in MDV is more or less a direct function of a) whether anyone actually
wants it to be backported and b) the number of maintainers.

> (By the way, the "backports" term is unfortunate, because it's misleading, 
> as the "backports" are actually version upgrades whereas the conservative 
> updates are the ones getting backported fixes.

It's looking at it from the other end: it's new versions being
'backported' to a stable distribution release.

> > That's precisely what Mandriva has - twin streams, one stable update
> > stream, one backport stream. All maintainers are required to provide
> > stable updates for packages in /main. They can *choose* to provide
> > /backports upgrades too, but that doesn't absolve them of doing a safe
> > /updates stream.
> That was exactly my point. This removes the option to only provide the new 
> versions (which also fix bugs, often more than bugfixes conservatively 
> backported to the old version would ever fix because maintainers cannot be 
> expected to backport each and every bugfix for big upstream projects, and if 
> they did, they'd essentially ship the new version disguised as backported 
> bugfixes) and will lead many maintainers to choose to only provide the 
> conservative option. With our policy, they're encouraged to just drop the 
> legacy crap and ship the current version.

We're back to the same question, where what you describe as 'legacy
crap' is what many people would describe as 'their nicely working
system'. :)
Adam Williamson
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