On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 03:13:55PM -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On 7/1/10 2:55 PM, Till Maas wrote:
> > But I guess somehow it boils down to
> > "the majority wants that other people to work for them", which might
> > even be true. But in a FOSS community I doubt it is very healthy to
> > follow this too much.
> > 
> I bet if we stopped making package reviews mandatory, none would get
> done.  This follows the same.

This is an interesting comparison, because there are still not enough
reviewers even though it is mandatory. Also everyone directly benefits
from the reviews, because there are clear statements what is checked and
there are more often issues to be fixed in reviews, than there are
updates that are bad. And in addition people who care already extra
review packages and catch issues that were not found in the official
review or check packages after guidelines changed, like there are checks
for the static libs guidelines.
So there is non mandatory action to fix brokenness and I am very sure
that there would be more if more packages were when reviews were not
mandatory, as long as the Guidelines make sense and help the packages to
interact. There are even people catching mistakes in commits currently,
which is also completely non mandatory.


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