On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Of course, this comes with its own headaches, since of course if you are using
> an encrypted drive, you need to enter your password twice: once to start the
> update and once for the post-update reboot.

Why not change from logout > reboot > update > reboot, to logout >
update > reboot/shutdown? I don't see how unattended/scheduled updates
can really work otherwise. It's probably not sane to stick the KEK
(hash) into NVRAM so it's there for unattended updates even if there's
a sure fire way to remove that entry after the reboot.

> A while ago I was working on a patch
> to PackageKit that would skip the second reboot and just `systemd isolate
> default.target` after the upgrade unless the kernel (or other early boot 
> package
> like dracut) was updated. I never finished it, but I could try to dig it out 
> and
> pass it on to someone who is interested in continuing it.

It's the first reboot that needs to go away in order to solve the
unattended update problem though.

Chris Murphy
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