On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Benson Muite
<benson_mu...@emailplus.org> wrote:
> Beignet is Intel specific. HSA is upcoming and looks like might be able to
> include it for other architectures:
> http://portablecl.org/docs/html/hsa_status.html#evaluation-setup
> Not sure if there is some other way for library to select an OpenCL runtime.
well, this 3 libs is just libs, so they don't really require OpenCL
runtime. It's up to application which uses those libs to implement
this functionality.
> On 08/13/2016 07:16 PM, Igor Gnatenko wrote:
>> Actually you don't need to build for each platform some library.
>> Platform should be chosen at runtime.
>> On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Benson Muite
>> <benson_mu...@emailplus.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the welcome, still learning how to write spec files. Working
>>> initially on clrng using beignet on x86_64, then want to add clfft,
>>> clblas
>>> and possibly clsparse from clmath (https://github.com/clMathLibraries).
>>> What would be a reasonable name for the package? At the moment have
>>> clrng-intel as will need to differentiate between different available
>>> OpenCl
>>> runtimes. At present only POCL and Beignet can be in Fedora repos, though
>>> will likely need one version per runtime. Perhaps clrng-beignet might be
>>> better? This would then allow for clrng-pocl, though other suggestions
>>> welcome.
>>> Debian has ports for clblas and clfft, but I think at the moment supports
>>> primarily Nvidia hardware or multi-core:
>>> https://packages.debian.org/source/stretch/clblas
>>> Would OBS (http://openbuildservice.org/) be something worth trying?
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-Igor Gnatenko
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