On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> Michael Schwendt wrote:
>> For each of the packages, assign its package owner(s) to the review
>> ticket, let them perform the review themselves according to Fedora's
>> Review Guidelines and when done, set the fedora-review flag to '?' and
>> move the ticket to a final tracker. In other words, let the owners of
>> these packages indicate that they have (re-)reviewed their own package.
>> Fedora package maintainers must be aware of the packaging guidelines
>> anyway when they touch their package spec files, and they also need
>> to repeat several checks whenever they includes upgrades (e.g. checking
>> for license changes or added code/libs with legal problems).
> I think such a process would be generally useful, not just for merge reviews
> (but also for new packages).
> There must be some group of packagers who we can trust to know the packaging
> guidelines (provenpackagers? sponsors?), if we can prove that we went
> through the review checklist for a package, why is it a problem if it was
> our own package we were reviewing?

Reviewing your own package is kind of pointless, the purpose of the
review is to have *someone else* to look at the package to spot
mistakes that
you might have made; being a provenpackager or a sponser does not
change the fact that you are a human and humans *do* make mistakes.

It is generally easier to spot mistakes in someone else's work than in your own.
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