On 10 January 2017 at 16:31, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <
domi...@greysector.net> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 10 January 2017 at 09:39, Jan Kurik wrote:
> > = Proposed Self Contained Change: Transdiff =
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Transdiff
> >
> > Change owner(s):
> > *Sundeep Anand <suanand AT redhat DOT com>
> >
> > Often even after 100% translation in Zanata, few packages do not get
> > build with latest translations in Fedora. This result in poor
> > localization experience. Transdiff is a python program to run on
> > products installations for tracking translations with project upstream
> > and generate diff reports.
> Nice. On the wiki page, you (Sundeep) also mention automation.
> Where do you see this in our packaging pipeline?
> As a taskotron check? A regular report mailed to the devel list?

Good point. While discussing on string breakage monitoring we discussed
this idea as well.
Yeah, taskotron is good fit for uses of transdiff, so rather than post
installation of translation, we will have this check in Bodhi itself.

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