 For several packages it is possible to automate build, test and
package updating on multiple fedora releases (+epel) in a single
keypress using the cockpituous (sic) tools [0]. These tools hide quirks
and requirements of the fedora tooling, and allow a very efficient
orchestration of package releases (see [1] for a script which releases
gnutls  for example).

I'm transforming more of the packages I maintain to that form, however,
there is much more value if that is done once for all the Fedora
maintainers. While obviously the maintainers who are also involved in
upstream developing would benefit most, the majority of the maintainers
which have packages which follow good practices will benefit from such
a simple automated rebase, spending their time only for reviewing
changes. Is that something that is already being worked on?


[0]. https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpituous/
[1]. https://github.com/nmav/fedora-gnutls
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