>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Björn Persson <Bjorn@rombobjörn.se> wrote:
>>> t...@fedoraproject.org wrote:
>>>> floppy-support                 bruno                          162 weeks ago
>>> So are floppies now definitely a thing of the past according to Fedora?
>> Well they definitely are a thing of the past, there's no doubt there,
>> the question is whether they are still used :-) I would argue printers
>> are a thing of the past but sadly there's no such thing as a paperless
>> office yet.
> How hard do we want to make things with people with legacy technology? While 
> they may not be actively used, they do still exist.

Sure, so do paper tape and punch cards.... there's a number of issues
but primarily people interested in the technology both maintaining it
and actually testing it to ensure it works. For example we've had a
kernel patch since 2010 that disables the auto loading of the floppy
kernel module so people would have to know manually load it. All this
package does is to actually enable the auto loading of that module so
it works OOTB for those that know to install the package.

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