On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 02:35, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> > It also needs some patching, because each library has a different
> Symlinking
> libblas.so.3 → libopenblas.so.0
> liblapack.so.3 → libopenblas.so.0
> is enough to get things linked against BLAS and/or LAPACK to pick up 
> OpenBLAS instead. A similar symlinking should work for the -devel package. 
> If the symlinks confuse ldconfig or cause some other issues, linker scripts 
> can be used instead.

It certainly won't be enough for RPM. There needs to be a libblas.so
pointing to a library with SONAME libblas.so.3, same for lapack.

> It is the job of the distribution to ensure that software uses the most 
> efficient BLAS/LAPACK implementation available. Other distributions ship 
> symlinks ensuring that. The current packaging in Fedora is horrible.

Thinking again, we had this discussion over 3 years ago:
and another one starting 2 years ago:
which is stalled because Orion doesn't have any time lately.

I'd love to see this done properly, but I don't have enough time to work
on this alone. Are you volunteering to patch all blas/lapack
implementations in Fedora to provide drop-in replacements for each other
and address all the issues mentioned in the above tickets? I would support
such effort and would certainly lend a hand.

It'd definitely be a much more productive use of your time than
complaining here.

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There should be a science of discontent. People need hard times and
oppression to develop psychic muscles.
        -- from "Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
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