On Wed, Aug 16, 2017, Jan Kurik wrote:
> I do not see the conflict of interests here. Justin is one of
> volunteers (for several election cycles already) who contacts all
> candidates at the beginning of Campaign period providing them with
> instructions how to work with CommOps team to publish their
> interviews. I really do not think that people helping with
> administrative work behind elections should be punished by their
> exclusion from nominations.
> Anyone in the community can add a question into the questionnaire
> during the nomination period. And it is free will of a nominee which
> questions he/she answers in the interview.

Hi all,

Thanks for your interest in the election process – I appreciate everyone
that has offered constructive feedback on ways to improve the election
process. Together with Jan, this is something that CommOps has been
trying to help assist with and promote more engagement and interest in
the elections.

The questionnaire process is open for the community to add their own
questions for candidates during the election process on the wiki. As
with previous release cycles, CommOps helps create HTML interview
templates to make it easier for candidates to answer the questions and
get their interviews posted. This happened in this PR:


Once the campaign period started, I checked for any new questions, then
merged the PR and personally emailed the templates to all candidates.

There was a lot of feedback and comments about ways the Election app
could be improved as well.


After talking with some members of the Infrastructure team, hopefully
after this election cycle ends, a newer version of the Elections app
with an improved design a few other things will be online in time for
the next election. However, there's still a lot of work that needs to be
done. There are a few issues already filed, including…

* Add support for Fedora Badges (in the same style as Nuancier)
* Nominate candidates from Elections app
* Submit questionnaire questions from Elections app
* Add eligibility checks for candidates

This isn't comprehensive, but if you have suggestions, please feel free
to file an issue in the meanwhile:


Or better yet, if you'd like to help with development on this project,
there's definitely a strong need for some improvements that could have a
significant impact on overall engagement, interest, and participation in
the elections. For a start, it could probably use some love to move over
to Python 3. :)

Thanks again for everyone that has offered constructive feedback on the

Justin W. Flory

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