On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 04:33:07PM +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> The EPEL number you are presenting are bit unrelated number. You should
> compare how many "enhancement" and "bugfix" updates were submitted in
> EPEL versus Fedora (and actually you can't evaluate Fedora correctly
> since there are no updates in Rawhide). In my domain (Ruby packages),
> there are plenty of changes in packages in Fedora, mainly in Rawhide,
> less in stable releases. In EPEL, there typically happens just one
> single import and then the package stays in that state forever.

How so? I'm not counting updates — these connection counts show
repodata queries, so they happen even if there are no updates. My point
here wasn't amount of change, but number of users.

That said, I think EPEL _and_ Fedora OS users would benefit from being
able to choose between having frequently updated Ruby packages _or_ the
"single import, stays in that state barring a serious security issue"
without having that choice be dependent on the base operating system.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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