On 12/08/2017 06:29 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
On Mon, 2017-12-04 at 15:47 -0500, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
The bottom line is that it's pretty tricky to figure this out, which is
a pity because easy debuggability is one of the important cultural
features of Fedora and FOSS. It's a regression: GDB used to point to
integrated .debuginfo packages, which was sufficient. Now, maybe GDB
should suggest installing the source RPM?
Sorry I only saw this now. I think this is simply a bug in dnf.
dnf debuginfo-install really should do the right thing by default:
Thanks for the info---that's good news.

I still don't quite understand why only some packages have the debuginfo/debugsource split (I counted ~10k debugsources to ~30k debuginfo). Is that an automatic process that just needs to happen over time, or do the maintainers need to hand-polish individual packages?
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