On 01/07/2018 01:38 PM, Christian Dersch wrote:
> Hi all,
> within the whole Meltdown and Spectre story I realized that Koji pushes
> even security updates to batched only, not directly to stable. In

The critera for bypassing batched is if the update is marked "urgent".

> concrete case we have the firefox update [1], which already received 10
> positive karma and many users complaining that it takes so long to get
> it out as a stable update. Shouldn't we change that behaviour to get
> such security updates out fast when maintainer relies on autopush when
> karma threshold is reached?

If they are urgent sure... perhaps this should have been so marked?
Or the maintainer/submittor can request stable anytime after it has
enough karma.

Anyhow, I have pushed it to request stable and will do another f27 push
after the current ones finish to get it out today.


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