On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 11:56:46AM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 10.01.2018 um 11:46 schrieb Jan Kurik:
> >On existing systems, to make upgrades easier:
> >* if nfsnobody was defined, keep it in /etc/passwd *after* the new
> >line for nobody:nobody, so that both the old name and the new name map
> >to the same numbers
> >* if nobody user or group with number 99 was defined, keep it in
> >/etc/passwd and /etc/group, but rename to _nobody
> that don't make updates easier but breaks existing setups where
> nobody:nobody with 99:99 already owns files - don't touch long years
> running machines due dist-upgrades please - at least not with "dnf
> --releasever=28 distro-sync"
That'd amount to leaving existing systems unchanged. That's an option
that I didn't like and initially rejected, but yeah, it's probably better.
I'll wait a bit more for feedback and update the proposal a bit later
to leave existing systems alone (i.e. systems which have either nobody
or nfsnobody already defined in the old style).

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