On 22 January 2018 at 07:58, Igor Gnatenko
<ignatenkobr...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On 22 January 2018 at 02:12, R P Herrold <herr...@owlriver.com> wrote:
>> [..]
>> What I'm worry it is that this supportability is only kind of fata
>> morgana/ilution and RH effectively spitted long time ago from Fedora
>> without telling about this to Fedora developers.
>> More and more small evidences says me that it may be truth.
>> In other case it would be possible to see as well kind of RH feedback
>> about some crucial Fedora changes.
>> Simple I cannot find traces of such discussions (however maybe I'm
>> looking in wrong place).
>> Other fact which may cut this knot is volume EPEL related bugs/issues
>> reported over bugzilla.
> Note that RHEL/CentOS doesn't have to copy specs 1:1. AFAIK it never was that
> specs were 100% same. However, I'm pretty sure that "branching" RHEL is
> happening from Fedora.

It happens only when next major EL release is made.
After make major release no one cares what happen next in Fedora.
Looking on the graph on the wiki I think that EL8 will be released
more likely within 2 years if not three.

Effectively Fedora has not to much from relation with RH *between*
major EL releases in form of straight contribution to Fedora constant
changes. They may be sending back some fixes done for RHEL customers
but that is all. However as we are talking about CVEs and other
critical changes it is IMO more likely that after submitting such
fixes to original source code maintainers most of those changes are
coming to Fedora in form of next version source tar balls than

However looks like most of the whole weight on Fedora comes not from
RH relation but from maintenance EPEL packages. As all those changes
looks like must be done for EPEL/EL{6,7} it adds next level of

I'm not proposing to remove EPEL changes completely but move 100% to
separated branches without any traces on the master branch.
Now with git syncing time to time some selected Fedora changes
is/should be way easier.
Remove as many %ifings as possible coming from all el*, centos, rhel
(with converting them on first stage to el %ifings) will allow bring
much easier to read/analyse/improve state of all specs.

Nevertheless looks like next thing which could be done is review
branches in Fedora repos and generate few numbers. Will try to do this
in next few days.

Still have no clear answer what was behind centos and epel %ifings,
and I'm looking for new facts or stories to tell by people introducing
those %ifings.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH
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