>>>>> "NK" == Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com> writes:

NK> While RHEL 5 is obsolete, that does not mean EPEL 5 is obsolete.

epel-rpm-macros set up the default buildroot value for EPEL5 and thus
rendered the BuildRoot: tag unnecessary well before that release went

But even without that it still doesn't matter; if you want to take a
Fedora spec and build it on EL5, you'll have more to worry about than
whether you need a BuildRoot: tag.  We can't avoid cleaning things up
because someone, somewhere might one day want to take a Fedora spec
unaltered and build it on RHEL5.  If that were a valid argument, then
why not RHEL4?  We had EPEL there, too (and like EL5 we celebrated when
it went EOL).

NK> Are there any EPEL tools that are identical to the upstream Fedora
NK> releases, that might still use any of htese for legacy environments?

Those old spec files are still checked into git.  You can get the old
spec if you want to and build it if that's really what you want.

 - J<
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