On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 12:14:31PM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I think the proposal title is misleading. The BLS file format is,
> depending on one's point of view, 5% of the spec. A bulk of the
> proposal isn't going to follow the spec at all. And even with regards
> to the file format, you're not following the spec which mandates all
> paths relative to $BOOT, which clearly isn't going to be the case. And
> that makes the BLS file format you're implementing, more close to GRUB
> legacy, and the Matthew Garrett BLS format derivative, than the
> original BLS spec format.
> I think the feature proposal should be rename: 'Make using
> BootLoaderSpec style file format the default'

I've updated the page with a bunch of changes to try and help with this
confusion, including changing the top heading and adding a section about
the differences between the various specs and what's currently
implemented and a section about what our boot entry config files look
like, as well as notes about $kernelopts and $grub_users.

> The proposal doesn't follow the BLS spec in some of the most critical
> ways necessary to get it adopted by upstreams and other distros.
> My summary of the change for most users (x86_64)
> - /etc/grub.d/10_linux will no longer contain Fedora entries, each
> menu entry will be a BLS format drop in script instead

Er, will no longer *generate* them, but yes.

> - grub.cfg still is responsible for multibooting Windows and other
> distros via /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober

Right, though this continues to become less and less relevant with
things like BitLocker storing keys in TPM.

> - users will no longer modify /etc/default/grub, they will duplicate
> (?) and modify BLS scripts directly if they need to make permanent
> changes to menu entries

As you mention in your next post, if you want to change the command line
globally, we're getting it from grubenv, which mkconfig is setting from
/etc/default/grub's value.

> - users will no longer need to run grub2-mkconfig, unless the grub.cfg
> is accidentally missing or malformed


> - users on BIOS systems who install another distro after Fedora, will
> need to inform the distro's installer to not overwrite the Fedora
> bootloader, or the user will need to reinstall the Fedora bootloader;
> until such time as distro bootloaders support the BLS format

Or they'll need to chainload to it, from a different disk for example.

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