On Tue, 2018-09-25 at 14:18 +0000, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi fedora-devel,
> This morning I set out to set up a VM for web development for a project I've 
> been working on so I could access my development environment from multiple 
> locations / workstations without having to set it up again and again on 
> different systems.
> I had a surprisingly difficult time in doing this. The steps I followed, 
> wanting to interact with the VM via virt-manager [1]:
> - Look at Atomic website page, find link for cloud images, try image 
> advertised as libvirt (was a box image), try to import into virt-manager, 
> fail 
> (not a bootable image)
> - Realize that was a dumb move and try again with raw image. Tried to import 
> into virt-manager, didn't know I have to decompress manually first. Fail. 
> (not a bootable image)
> - Give up on Fedora base cloud image, try server. 3GB download, takes 30 min 
> to install. Install concludes with somehow either crashing the hypervisor or 
> disconnecting virt-manager from the hypervisor.
> - Realize how heavyweight server seems and it's not going to be good for 
> something I really wanted to be lean and clean, esp when seeing stuff like 
> snappy scroll by in the package install list (nothing against snappy, just 
> not smtg I'd expect in a lean webdev env)
> - Get help in an irc development channel, learn I have to extract the raw 
> image, hurrah, quick results except! Boot stalls.
> - Found out it's cloud-info stalling the boot.
> - Yay I have a login prompt! What's the login info? Gahhhh...
> - Realize have to run virt-customize --uninstall cloud-init --root-password 
> password:whatever --selinux-relabel -a theimage
> - Success finally (ETA 1.5 hrs not 100% fully attended of course)
> Note that:
> - I searched the Fedora docs, website, ask Fedora, and did general searches 
> at each point of failure and didn't find much in the way of guidance. Only in 
> talking to a couple of knowledegable and helpful folks in real time was I 
> able to get past the fail points.
> - Something else to note that's non obvious is setting up virt manager as 
> non-root, first answer 
> https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/45805/how-to-use-virt-manager-as-a-non-root-user/
> OK so my questions for you, Fedora development community:
> - Is running a lightweight local VM for web development a usecase we want to 
> support? Is it dare I ask important?
> - If so, is what I ended up setting up what we want people in that usecase to 
> do? (E.g. use Fedora cloud base image, set up in virt-manager or boxes, using 
> virt-customize to remove cloud-init and configure login password?

I suppose my instinct in your case would be just to do a conventional
minimal install, either using the Everything netinst image or the
Server DVD or netinst image. But I agree that we don't really do a good
job of telling people our recommended approach for this kind of use
case, or flagging up that the Cloud images are not it, unless you're
doing something very specific.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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