Le jeudi 29 novembre 2018 à 10:56 -0500, Josh Boyer a écrit :
> Of the large number of packages that you maintain, how many of them
> are critical to freeze at a specific version for a given Fedora
> release?  Possibly some, but I would think across the distribution it
> would not be a huge number. 

It's not so much that many packages need freezing, but quite a lot need
coordinated rebuilds (mini mass rebuilds). Once thing current cadencing
provides is "free" mass rebuilds (you just make sure to commit the key
packages before branching and releng will usually mass rebuild all the
other things that depend on those key parts for some other reason).

Fix the tooling so those mini mass rebuilds are cheap to setup and are
not human packager intensive, and there's not reason the rebuild result
could not be pushed to every release. Or to a rolling release. Or

We really need to evolve our tooling from "packages can be handled
independently in reviews, builds, and pushes, coordinated changes are
the exception" to "we manage sets of packages by default, single-package 
changes are just set changes with set = 1"

Nicolas Mailhot
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