On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 15:07 -0500, Kaleb Keithley wrote:
> The epoch was inadvertently bumped (not by me) when ceph was rebased to
> 14.x in f30/rawhide.
> I reset it to 1 in subsequent builds. Now adamwill is running builds with
> it bumped to 2 again.
> I would prefer that it not be bumped. Ceph has their own builds (for Fedora
> even I think) where they have epoch=2. I see this as a feature that lets
> someone install Ceph's epoch=2 packages on a system and not risk
> inadvertently updating with the Fedora Ceph packages.
> Is there really no other way to get rid of the one or two "bad builds"
> where epoch=2 and keep shipping epoch=1 in Fedora?  By untagging the builds
> perhaps?

I did send you an email about this to explain.

The builds with epoch 2 made multiple Rawhide composes and the first
Fedora 30 compose. This means anyone who installed 30 or Rawhide with
ceph packages during those periods will never get ceph updated when
they do 'dnf update', because they will have a package installed with
epoch 2 and dnf will not see the package with epoch 1 as an update.

Untagging the builds does not help anyone who got them installed while
they were in Rawhide or Fedora 30 (in fact Fedora 30 still contains an
epoch 2 build right now, so anyone installing it at present is getting
epoch-2 ceph).

We can talk about potentially allowing epoch down bumps at a distro
upgrade boundary (though this rather hangs Rawhide users out to dry),
but even if we were to start allowing that, since an epoch 2 build made
it into a Fedora 30 compose, we can never bump the epoch down to 1 for
Fedora 30's lifetime.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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