Le 2019-06-17 22:04, Terry Bowling a écrit :


If I may, since I also represented the customer side not so long ago in a fortunexxx company.

        * Customers think we had too many repos.  It is hard to find what
they need.

From a customer point of view you sidestepped the demand. Instead of making the necessary integration work and arbitrations to merge back all those awful optional repos in the main RHEL repo, you stashed them in modules.

Don't expect a lot of customer happiness about it.

        * Customers need more options that are fully supported to meet their
production workload requirements.

ie you don't want to make integration decisions, so you say customers want different things. Or course they want different things. They're human. But mostly they want a single, unified, reliable RHEL baseline, not a jungle of optional conflicting repos, not a jungle of optional conflicting modules.

If a single RHEL baseline provides too little choice, maybe you need to release new RHEL major versions more often to provide a wider spectrum of options. Certainly, jungling a set of bi-yearly RHEL major version stream, would be less awful customer side than jungling scores of conflicting optional repos or modules.

It will end up with more and more customers giving up on those optional things, and using EPEL directly, reducing the scope of thing they pay support for RH-side, and reducing the amount of money they feel they owe to RH.


Nicolas Mailhot
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