On 7/15/19 3:11 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>> I just don't think the number of people who do local i686 builds is all
>> that large, so it having some issues and corner cases to help out the
>> vast majority of folks seems like a good trade off to me.
> Removing something does not "help out" anybody, ever. The people who'd 
> better not use the repo can just opt to not use it. You don't have to delete 
> it under them. And those who will use it probably have a good reason to use 
> it.

This argument is absurd. Removing something definitely helps out the
people who were producing it, if they no longer wish to spend resources
making it. If the people using it wish it to stay around, they would
have to take over producing it.


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