Dne 17. 09. 19 v 18:28 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):
Branching is not just "oh, make a new compose". There's a ton of
steps/work that happens then, including:

* Making a new branch on all active rpms
* Switching to a new signing key in rawhide.
* New pungi-fedora config, new comps, new kickstarts.
* Setting up new koji tags, etc.

Is this process documented somewhere (Maitai, UML, jBPM)? I am only aware of 
Fedora release schedule.
How many of these actions are triggered automatically and how many of them has 
to be started by hand?

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Associate Manager ABRT/Copr, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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