Josh Boyer wrote:
> What you call unfair, I call open source winning in the industry.
> Does it create an imbalance between funded vs. unfunded work?  Yes.
> That is the reality of the software landscape today though, and I
> think it's a net good thing even if it is somewhat departed from what
> people consider open source "roots".

Some of us do not believe in capitalism, especially in the dogma that the 
markets will always do the right thing.

What I see in this case is that the design of Modularity is optimized for 
large enterprise customers (of RH/IBM) with deep pockets and their use 
cases. Those have the resources to bring up a separate container, VM, or 
even a separate physical server for every single server application they 
run. They also do not seem to consider the desktop use case to be critical. 
(I can only guess that they use Windows on all their desktops, or they would 
care.) Everyone else gets stuck in version conflict hell.

        Kevin Kofler
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