On Wed, 19 Aug 2020, Christopher wrote:

1. Do I need epel8-playground? I want to keep the task of maintenance
simple, and I don't want to deal with another branch to think about. I
don't want choices, as that adds complexity. I want one simple path,
because packaging is *not* my full time job.

Under the normal configuration, you don't need to really worry about epel8-playground, if you don't want to. Whatever you build in epel8 will automatically be built in epel8-playground also.

2. Can I remove the 'package.cfg' file? Is it needed? Will everything
work with epel8-testing and going to epel8-stable if this file is
removed? I'd really like to maintain a single git history, rather than
two, and the presence of this file seems to interfere with that.
(Alternatively, if the package.cfg file contained some conditional
directive, like 'if-branch = epel8', which probably should have been
the design, in order to support single git history packages like me,
then I wouldn't mind the file being present in the master/rawhide
branch, but it doesn't.)

You can technically remove it. Then, nothing will be built in epel8-playground automatically. It won't affect epel8.

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