On 07/03/2021 17:53, Sandro Mani wrote:

On 07.03.21 16:30, Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
Sandro Mani wrote:
I'll rebuild the following dependent packages:

FYI, your merkaartor build failed because merkaartor depends on gdal (it is used to import external reference data such as OGD in file formats that are
not natively supported), so you need to rebuild gdal first and have the
rebuilt gdal in the buildroot for merkaartor.

Yep, I'll iterate the process as necessary until all dependencies resolve.

I'm working on a fix for mapnik and will take care of that and it's
dependencies once I've managed to backport the work-in-progress patch
for the new API from upstream.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
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