On 4/7/21 4:16 PM, Panu Matilainen wrote:
On 4/7/21 2:21 PM, Tomas Orsava wrote:
On the other hand, I understand where you're coming from: we have fought battles with unintended use of our tools too (e.g. sudo pip breaking dnf). But given the scope of the breakage here, I would advocate for postponing this change for now. It seems none of us is sure how to square this circle at the moment.

Nod. I'll need to sleep on this all a bit.

There was good feedback and constructive ideas in the PR. I don't have the energy or the cycles to deal with all this now so I reverted the %exclude-changes upstream, to be revisited at a better time, along with some better options for %check.

Thanks everybody for keeping this civil and constructive.

        - Panu -
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