πŸ‘‹πŸ» Hello there,

I'm eager to package Azure's CLI tools for Fedora that would allow users to manage their Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. This would help with CI/CD, information security, monitoring, and of course, deployments.

However, these cloud tools are a bit tricky to package. There are a few python components in the main repository[0] that make up the CLI itself:


Those seem fairly straightforward, but things get complicated because those three depend on *plenty* of little SDK components from another repository[1]. That repository contains over 220 SDK components that all release independently from the same git repository. They also have dependencies on some other bits of python that are already packaged for Fedora, such as cffi, cryptography, and PyYAML.

To make things a bit more complicated, the core CLI tools have strict dependencies on specific versions of the SDK components. For example:


At first glance, that doesn't seem too bad since the versions of the core CLI tools and SDK versions move in tandem in the repositories. SDK components are constantly moving forward, but the CLI releases are tied to specific SDK component versions which do not change after release.

The dependency tree is fairly long[2], but it's also fairly standard between most of the SDKs.

I have several questions here:

  1) Should I make separate Fedora packages/specs for each CLI
     component and the SDK components? The SDK components look
     nearly identical from a packaging standpoint (no executables
     there, just libraries in each). If so, that would be about
     80-100 packages to make and maintain.

  2) Should I 'vendor' the SDK components into a single package and
     set it as a dependency of the core CLI tools?

  3) Should I dynamically generate spec files for the SDK components
     based on the requirements from the main CLI tools?

  4) Am I making this much, much more difficult than it really is? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Thanks in advance for any guidance you have. πŸ€—

[0] https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli
[1] https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python
[2] https://gist.github.com/major/821e2f90c8a2b6111a42e35503caa3ad

Major Hayden

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