On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 8:30 AM Major Hayden <ma...@mhtx.net> wrote:
> ๐Ÿป Hello there,
> I'm eager to package Azure's CLI tools for Fedora that would allow users
> to manage their Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. This would help
> with CI/CD, information security, monitoring, and of course, deployments.
> However, these cloud tools are a bit tricky to package. There are a few
> python components in the main repository[0] that make up the CLI itself:
>    azure-cli
>    azure-cli-core
>    azure-cli-telemetry
> Those seem fairly straightforward, but things get complicated because
> those three depend on *plenty* of little SDK components from another
> repository[1]. That repository contains over 220 SDK components that all
> release independently from the same git repository. They also have
> dependencies on some other bits of python that are already packaged for
> Fedora, such as cffi, cryptography, and PyYAML.
> To make things a bit more complicated, the core CLI tools have strict
> dependencies on specific versions of the SDK components. For example:
>      'azure-mgmt-datamigration~=4.1.0',
>      'azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager~=0.2.0',
>      'azure-mgmt-devtestlabs~=4.0',
>      'azure-mgmt-dns~=8.0.0',

That is *not* an exact version dependency. That is PEP440 equivalent
to say "that version or higher, up to the next major version":

This is perfectly fine to package as separate components, and our
dependency generator handles it perfectly fine.

็œŸๅฎŸใฏใ„ใคใ‚‚ไธ€ใค๏ผ/ Always, there's only one truth!
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