Petr Menšík wrote:
> No, that is the reason why I proposed it. Guidelines already state
> *-filesystem packages does not have to be depended on [1]. Just one,
> probably systemd or systemd-libs, should depend on it to get it
> installed. All other can then just ignore the directory exactly as you
> have proposed. In this case it would not be breaking guidelines, but
> according to them instead.
> 1.

That is contradicted by the following quote from the Packaging

| Sometimes, it may be preferable for such directories to be owned by
| an "artificial filesystem" package, such as mozilla-filesystem. These
| packages are designed to be explicitly required when other packages
| store files in their directories, thus, in such situations, these
| packages should explicitly Require the artificial filesystem package
| and not multiply own those directories.

That is, each of those 1600 packages would need to require

Perhaps the filesystem package should own these directories? Not
systemd-filesystem, just filesystem. The case is rather similar to
/usr/share/bash-completion, /usr/share/man, /usr/share/info and various
other directories that filesystem owns.

Björn Persson

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