Many valid/interesting points being made.  Most of them sound, reasonably, like 
developer-/maintainer-centric issues.

Question: Is a primary goal of Fedora distro (JAVA sig, etc) to 'service' its 
(java app) users?

If so, what's the current understanding of a user-driven ProductRequirements 
spec'n of JAVA apps 'round here?
Who's included in "users"? Developers? End-users? etc.
Perhaps I've missed it ...

I know as a representative of my end-users I've got plenty of opinions about 
our JAVA env.  Also as a representative of my org's JAVA devs.
But as a developer/maintainer OF java/apps @ Fedora, not much at all; the "solid OpenJDK 
& Maven" approach is good enuf here.  Mostly.

And, if that^ is not a primary goal, then back to the discussion at hand.
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