On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 9:27 PM Miro Hrončok <mhron...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 16. 11. 21 20:47, Fabio Valentini wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > The announcement of the Change proposal to drop armv7 support with F37
> > has reminded me of something that I wanted to ask about some time ago:
> > How we could work towards reducing the number of packages we build for
> > i686.
> >
> > Our current approach, which is to "build everything but ship almost
> > nothing" - just to keep x86_64 / i686 multilib working - is, frankly,
> > very wasteful of computing and storage resources, as well as a burden
> > on maintainers of big packages, which frequently run up against limits
> > of 32-bit architectures.
> >
> > I think it should be possible to figure out a way to limit the number
> > of packages that need to be built for the common multilib usecases
> > (Wine + Steam ... am I forgetting something?), and just ... not build
> > anything else for i686.
> Have you seen this discussion?
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/TDDNEGF3PGCSIXITSIINUTZTFBSK4HGK/
> > This would probably involve the following steps:
> >
> > 1. determine the packages that need to be built on i686 for common
> > multilib scenarios
> > 2. determine recursive install-time and build-time dependencies of
> > those packages
> > 3. if necessary, update this list with any new build-or install-time
> > dependencies that are added to the package set
> >
> > As for how to implement this, I'm not sure about the details yet
> > (which is why I'm sending this as an RFC and not filing a Change
> > proposal yet).
> See for example my idea for implementation:
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/A5II3GGIDUDVCWLRZ6AXGAA4WWJH6VSN/
> However, I am not sure it is worth the trouble.

Yes, I remember that thread, but I thought it was started longer than
just two months ago ... time flies :|

The steps you outlined in your linked message mostly align with what I
was thinking of, as well. However, I don't think that we should just
keep *all* multilib packages, as most of them aren't needed or used at

I already have a script lying around for resolving dependency trees
across both build- and runtime requires, so I could reuse them for the
purpose of determining the initial "minimal i686 core", considering
which packages get pulled in by, for example, wine + steam. I can
compute that list of packages, if it would help for the discussion.

As for "So it goes back to -- is it worth to burn people-energy on
this when we can just burn machine-energy?", I'd say, it's worth it,
considering that I myself am already head-butting my desk frequently
because of i686 build issues, so I'd consider this a worthwhile effort
indeed, especially since this problem isn't going away anytime soon
(and is probably only going to get worse). I'd even volunteer to
maintain that list and help with bootstrapping new i686 dependencies

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