Matthew Miller kirjoitti 21.11.2021 klo 18.18:
On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 08:11:19AM -0500, Stephen Snow wrote:
So I am back here to ask again if I can take a package on that is
currently orphaned as per

And I login with my FAS ID and cannot "Take" the package since I am not
a packager.

So I ask again what steps am I missing here? I want to take over
packaging something that is about to be removed from Fedora Linux since
it has been orphaned, I have signed the agreements, I have asked to
become a packager, and this is actually the second package I am trying
to take over.

I don't think we have a good process for the situation you're in. If the
package you were interested in were entirely new, or if you were reinstating
a package which wsa retired (the step beyond "orphan"), you'd file and go
through the package review process in bugzilla, and at that point if you
hadn't found a sponsor yet, the docs suggest that the sponsor's ticketing
system is the next step.

But without those first steps, how do you get there?

Probably the most straightforward is to pick one of the other routes -- ask
to become a co-maintainer of an existing package, or find something new
you're interested in. Or, go through a number of code reviews for similar
packages and get to know the folks who are working on those, at which point
it should be easy to ask them personally to sponsor you.

A similar situation appeared on devel just recently, where somebody without packager rights was interested in taking an orphan package. That earlier thread inspired me to submit a pull request for the docs, explaining how it can be done [1].

I do not know it is has ever been agreed that this specific case should be handled in that way. But I got my first package by adopting an orphan, and that is how I got the packager access.


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