Matthew Miller kirjoitti 21.11.2021 klo 20.45:
On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 04:27:18PM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote:
That page seems substantially (if not completely?) identical to the current
doc at

Ah you're quite right. That was a google fail on my part - the search
that I did on "fedora become a packager" grouped that wiki page under
the other docs page I mentioned and I didn't notice that wasn't the
page the wiki linked to.

There exists a magic wiki macro one can add to the top of a page which
automatically redirects it to the docs (which would probably eventually get
google pointing there too). It would be like this:


... but we don't have a consistent policy about when to use it.

Should this be read as "I would prefer flagging handle pages that were moved from wiki to docs.fp.o with the redirect macro"? I added the current notes to all pages that were moved to the Package Maintainer Docs, there was discussion about using the redirect macro with no strong argument either way, so I just picked what the Packaging Guidelines are doing. I can switch all of them to use the redirect, if that is the preferred way.

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