On Fri, Feb 04, 2022 at 11:47:21PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sat, 2022-02-05 at 07:31 +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> > https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-8e3a84510b
> > 
> > It's really unclear why this Rawhide update isn't just being tagged
> > into Rawhide.  Single builds don't go through this complicated
> > process.
> Bodhi's UI isn't the clearest for big multi-package updates, but it is
> shown. On the right hand side you should see "1 of 1 required test
> results missing", among a flood of "no tests are required": that's the
> problem. On the "Automated Tests" tab, if you scroll through and look
> for a black star, you'll see it next to the "fedora-ci.koji-
> build.tier0.functional" results for virt-top-1.1.1-3.fc36 , with a
> little red question mark that shows "ABSENT" if you hover over it -
> this is the required test (that's what the black star indicates) and
> "ABSENT" means that it didn't *fail*, rather, it didn't *run at all*.
> That may be because it's skipped if the installability test fails
> (which it did), I'm not sure.

Thanks - so in theory this should work ...

$ koji untag f36-build-side-50311 virt-top-1.1.1-3.fc36

The command was successful, but the Edit button in bodhi goes to a 504
Gateway Timeout page.  I don't know if bodhi reloads the set of
packages automatically or not.

> That test is required because it's specified in virt-top's gating.yaml:
> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/virt-top/blob/rawhide/f/gating.yaml

I'm going to get rid of this test.

> There's been some recent discussion on the ci@ list about making the
> output from the generic test results more readable. I'm not sure why
> installability is failing in this case, as you say, "Condition
> 'ip_ready' failed to pass within given time" seems to indicate a test
> system issue. You could try the "re-trigger tests" button, which should
> cause CI to re-run the failed tests.
> I'm planning to file some tickets or maybe send some PRs to make it
> more obvious what's going on in Bodhi's UI for cases like this, but
> hadn't got the roundtuits yet...

Yes, the UI is terrible (also Jenkins UI)


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
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