On Thu, Mar 03, 2022 at 03:51:19PM +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Adding security into a system that didn't have it but is widely
> deployed and developed for is *hard*. It makes opt-out security really
> hard to do, which is why we went for opt-in. Tools like
> "systemd-analyze security" exist primarily as a vehicle to pressure
> people to actually do the opt-in then, i.e. to "shame" them into
> looking into these knobs.

That's very nice too. Looking at what systemd-analyze security reports
for libvirt related services, it nicely highlights to me a significant
number of useful systemd constraints that we can likely enable. Several
of these systemd settings I didn't even realize existed & docs about
them are spread across many man pages. So it is good to have this tool
inform us about the existance of all the security relevant settings in
one place and make suggestions.

This reported info really is best looked at the upstream maintainers,
rather distro maintainers. Many of the requirements from services are
non-obvious, especially when consuming or interacting with many external
dependancies. It is especially challenging when you consider that there
can be PAM or TLS library plugins that are configured systemwide and
dynamically loaded into your app without your knowledge.

So even as an upstream maintainer intimately familiar with the code,
it will be easy to mess up and accidentally break something. A distro
maintainer with less in depth knowledge of the code is at even greater
risk of messing it up by accident.

What would be useful for distro maintainers to do though is to highlight
to the upstream maintainers that this 'systemd-analyze security' feature
exists, as I suspect most people don't know about it. Distro maintainers
can also usefully identify high priority services that would bring most
benefit to the distro by adding lockdown, and work with upstreams to
coordinate it.

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