Fabio Valentini wrote:
> And, lo and behold, now there's a third update for annobin:
> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-3dd2ddf4ab
> The update for LLVM 14 was pushed to stable due to a freeze exception,
> but the GCC+annobin update is still in "testing".
> And now there's a new version of annobin in an additional update.
> Please, given that we're *this close* to F36 release, coordinate
> better on updates for such "unimportant packages" as the default
> compiler toolchain ..

Given that this is not the first time that we have annobin-induced breakage 
endangering a release, I really have to wonder why we insist on shipping 
this debugging tool by default for production builds. I understand that the 
security team wants to analyze the annotations to, e.g., detect packages 
built with insecure flags, but I do not see why that analysis needs to be 
done on the official binary packages, i.e., why the packages cannot just 
(for that analysis) be rebuilt with annobin enabled on a private system that 
does not expose the entire community to the fragility of annobin (and the 
increased package sizes due to the annotations).

        Kevin Kofler
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