On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 7:37 PM Vipul Siddharth
<siddharthvip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> == Detailed Description ==
> Fedora includes a flatpak repo definition for Flathub in the
> fedora-flathub-remote package. So far, this remote
> was filtered by an allowlist that only made a limited subset of
> software from Flathub available. We've been told
> that it is ok for us to remove the filtering and make all of Flathub 
> available.

Given that flathub provides similar / overlapping content compared to
RPMFusion (or often, even more "legally problematic" than what's
available from RPMFusion, i.e. prebuilt blobs), doesn't this same
reasoning also apply there? I.e. can Fedora enable the full rpmfusion
repositories by default, as well, instead of only the separate
("filtered") repositories for the proprietary NVidia drivers and the
Steam client?

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