On Fri, Jul 1 2022 at 01:37:01 PM +0200, Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:
What is *not* in the proposal and should be added is a clarification whether Fedora RPMs or Flathub flatpaks take precedence, when both exist (and a Fedora flatpak doesn't). My preference would be:

Flatpaks already take precedence over RPMs, and there are no plans to change this for the reasons I mentioned in my previous mail regarding sandboxing, which is more important than other considerations.

As mentioned previously, GNOME Software can be configured to prefer RPMs over Flatpaks, but it cannot currently be configured to allow arbitrary orderings: that would require additional design and development work. Users can always have the final say if they wish to explicitly select the installation source when installing the app.


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