Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:
> For example, last week they decided to kill all OSS applications from
> the Microsoft Store:

Actually, what they did there actually makes sense to me. The rule prohibits 
you from charging for FOSS that is available at no cost elsewhere. So you 
cannot abuse the Microsoft Store monopoly to charge for otherwise free-as-
in-beer software. Now, this would not be an issue if there were not such a 
monopoly store in the first place, but in the current situation, it is 
actually a reasonable policy, and it would make sense for, e.g., Apple to 
enforce the same policy on their app store (but since it would also mean 
them losing out on their cut of the sales, I doubt they will do so any time 

Would you want upstreams to start charging Fedora users, and only Fedora 
users, for their software? Say, through some paid Flatpak distribution 
channel that gets added to "third-party software" the same way Flathub is 
being added now, and through not making RPMs or even Flathub Flatpaks 
available anymore? I guess not.

        Kevin Kofler
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