On Mon, Oct 24, 2022, at 11:45 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> There are a lot of things going on in this proposal:
> - shipping editions as container images in quay


> - migrating existing users to the new container image based updates

(No tracker yet)

> - overriding yum/dnf commands via cliwrap


> - rebranding `rpm-ostree`


> I feel like we'd have a more cohesive discussion if we tried to break this up
> into smaller pieces so we can have a more focused discussion. 

These links were already mostly in the proposal, but I've added them again here 
for convenience.

> As written this proposal is hard to swallow.

Two things:

- This proposal is explicitly trying to tie everything together.  I think 
without the "bigger picture", it's actually *more* confusing.  For example, 
just pushing the container images does little unless we invest in them as a 
derivation source and build tooling and docs around them.
- At a very practical level, I find context switching in Mediawiki syntax to be 
rather tedious.  I'd prefer to discuss the individual sections in the already 
extant tracker issues that accept Markdown and have a well-understood and used 
discussion mechanism.  (Or of course, email here)

But you're certainly not wrong, it *is* a big proposal.  Happy to make changes, 
I'm mainly just saying there already are dedicated sub-proposal trackers to 
discuss the details of those.
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