On 11/27/22 14:51, Aleksei Bavshin wrote:

Sometime within the next week, I'll be updating wlroots in rawhide to 0.16.0[1] and sway to the latest release candidate. As usual, the update contains API/ABI breaking changes and soname will be bumped to libwlroots.so.11. wlroots0.15 compatibility package will be introduced in the same side-tag.

No breakages are expected and no action is required from the maintainers of dependent packages.

I'll send another notice with a side-tag id to unblock the updates that already require 0.16 (currently only labwc) when it's ready.

(BCC: labwc and wayfire maintainer)

New wlroots is now built and tagged into 'f38-build-side-60585'.
Use 'fedpkg build --target=f38-build-side-60585' if you want to update your packages that require 0.16. Or wait until I merge the side tag into rawhide in ~1 day -- no practical difference.


I'm also planning to update wlroots in f37 once 0.16.1 is available.
There are a plenty of bug fixes and some important security features (ext-session-lock-v1) that, I believe, should not require waiting another 6 months for f38.

Sway will likely not be included in the initial f37 update, but may follow later when it gets sufficient testing.

[1]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots/-/releases/0.16.0

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