I'm interested in following along with this as well. Just learning about 
WebAssembly's potential at the moment. It does seem that a currently missing 
component is to harness fedora's infrastructure to build wasm targets and 
distribute wasm artifacts. Capturing the steps necessary to build and rebuild 
libraries is going to be necessary for automation and keeping current with 
security bugfixes. Distributing those updated artifacts to 
infrastructure-or-parties building packages which rely on them is going to be 
necessary to avoid wasteful duplication of effort.

I just tried to build proj, which failed because it needed sqlite. I found a 
fork of a two-year-old release of sqlite that's been adapted to function in a 
peer to peer network called fluent as well as compile to webassembly. There's 
been 31 releases of sqlite in the interim, many of them during the year that 
the author of the fork was committing bugfixes to the frozen original code. As 
this was an exercise, I quit here because I learned all I needed to. 

I may go a bit further than just saying that such an effort requires the use of 
fedora's existing binary artifact infrastructure. You may need to create a 
centralized place to maintain forks of the upstream repositories which contain 
branches dedicated to the web assembly ports.  The patching strategy currently 
used by rpmbuild may not be enough--I'd expect you'd need a full DVCS hub. 
You'll want something you control that facilitates transferring the web 
assembly support back up to the upstream, hence the "D". 

Please do add me to the list. I may not have time to do much more than think on 
problems, but I'm interested in following your progress. 
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