Am 30.12.22 um 10:42 schrieb Peter Boy:

Am 30.12.2022 um 06:59 schrieb Nico Kadel-Garcia <>:

Am 28.12.22 um 11:49 schrieb Peter Boy:

It is a good idea to make the timeout configurable.  But the default timeout 
for servers must remain unchanged.

My problem is not "defined timeouts" it is systemd delaying shutdowns
for no obvious reasons.
And as you asked: On my (bare metal) servers, Im am occasionally
experiencing delayed shutdowns in the order of several minutes.

This is simply inacceptable!

If it is not acceptable for you, configure it to your needs.

FWIW: Yesterday, I had an infinite shutdown hanger, which wasn't caused by systemd timers, I could only work around by a pressing the reset switch.

Unfortunatly, I don't know the cause, but apparently something related to a non-responsive nfs-connection.

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