On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 1:22 AM Simo Sorce <s...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi Matthew, you say: "We're missing people", and I think, "who?".
> And who are you going to miss if you move to discourse?
> I will be candid, I tried to use forums since the old phpBB times, it
> never works for me.
> I have no time to go roaming over forums except if a search engine
> brings me there.
> The mailing list make messages land in my client, on which I am very
> efficient, therefore I can check all messages once a day, and respond
> if I find a worthy topic.
> Unless this discourse has some great mail bridge (it doesn't) or maybe
> an rss feed (I do not use those at work, but I guess I could ?) So that
> I can skim messages on my terms, I think I (and those like me) will be
> the next "missing people".
> Btw I could make exactly the same quote about any forum that Major made
> for Mailing lists, messy discussions are messy and a forum does not
> make them easier to follow by any means (perhaps except for those that
> chose inferior email readers).
> All that said, why waste time with this discussion?
> Your own post communicates to me (whether you intended it or not) that
> in the end the thread that will be generated by this post won't matter,
> because this is just a courtesy post and you already think that the
> opinion of the "minority of self selected mailing list lovers and
> dinosaurs" does not matter much.

I have to say, even at the risk of making me sound like "old dinosaur
man yells at cloud", I agree here.

The way I interact with the mailing list is very efficient - new
messages land in my email client, they are clearly labeled as
"unread", and archiving read messages (or discussion threads that I'm
not interested in) creates a searchable archive of everything that
happened "as a byproduct".
Interacting with discourse works completely differently - messages
don't "come to me", I need to *actively seek them out*, it's hard to
tell what's new, the interface isn't entirely obvious (maybe this
would be better if I used discourse more regularly, but I really don't
want to do that, unless I *absolutely need to*).

Especially the "messages come to me" vs. "I need to go looking" aspect
would likely result in me both 1. not being as informed about what's
going on in Fedora, and 2. interacting much less with discussions than
I do now.

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