On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 11:54:09AM -0400, JT wrote:
> >  But with my Fedora Ambassador hat on I can tell you that the problem
> we see right now is not that we don't have people coming to Fedora. We have
> a problem helping people to connect to where the work is happening in a way
> that they can contribute.
> > And this includes both mentoring them to be able to contribute, but also
> accepting the fact that new people can bring new ideas, and we should
> provide them space to work on them and not just expect them to follow and
> do what they were told to do.

[^^^^^^ side note about the above ^^^^^^^
 Your mail client breaks quoting: it only inserts ">" on the first
 line, and not the later lines of the quote. This makes your mails
 harder to read than they should be. The same is true in your other
 mails, it's not a one-off thing.]

> Have you run into situations
> where someone wanted to contribute to development but was unwilling to use
> a mailing list?  With a community as big as Fedora and with a multitude of
> ways that people can contribute, I'm curious what the roadblocks you are
> seeing for people wanting to get into development.  I can completely
> understand if someone wants to join mindshare, D&I, outreachy, or docs,
> etc... that they might find a mailinglist to cumbersome to work with.  Have
> you run into sitautions where people wanted to get involved in development
> but were having issues with a mailing list?

All those things are *development*. Without infra and docs and people and
communication, the remaining development "core" would mean very little. And to
make the project effective we absolutely need to cooperate and coordinate
across all those teams.

So if we have whole groups of people who find [some communication medium]
tedious, it is a very strong argument against that medium. (I'm still reading
the thread and haven't made up my mind, but if anything, this part of the
discussion is a strong argument *for* discourse, because there are clear
problems with the mailing list approach and it's easier for long-time
contributors like you and me to adjust than for newcomers.)

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