Il 23/04/23 17:01, Björn Persson ha scritto:
> You let the quarrel go this far before you even bothered to mention
> that? You're clearly not serious about selling the email features of
> Discourse.
> You're trying to convince email users that your preferred communication
> program is better than their preferred communication program. Users of
> various email programs are saying no, the program I have chosen works
> better for my needs. Do you also waste time trying to convince Emacs
> users to switch to Vi?
> Instead of trying to make everybody use the same Javascript program,
> what you should do is show how your preferred program implements the
> relevant standards to be interoperable with my preferred program, so
> that we can communicate while each using our respective programs. If
> it's not interoperable, then that's where the problem is.
I'm not enthusiast about this proposed change too, but let's not go

As I understand, it's not about Matthew personal preferences, it's about
maintaining mailing list running needs manpower which Fedora is running
out of. Switching to Discourse can probably relief some of the burden
from fedora-infra guys.

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